At the beginning of 1986, a dream developed in an idea, then this idea turned into reality becoming to what we know today as Acafintex.

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Desarronllando y Capacitando

Continuously developing and training our personnel, stimulating creativity on them.

artículos que satisfacen las necesidades de nuestros clientes

Delivering to the market products and services that satisfy our clients needs with lower final cost.

Respetando la Sociedad y el Medio Ambiente

Respecting the society and environment which we are part of

mejora e innovación

Performing a continuous amelioration process in all our products and processes.

business lines

Actually we have three big business lines for the textile industry.

FABRIC of great quality and variety. A Textile LABORATORY with the state of the art technology and the FINSHING of several types and characteristics of fabrics with outstanding sorts of final finishes.


We are sure that the QUALITY and CERTIFICATION OF QUALITY is today the most important added value that the textile industry has in order to compete in a globalized market.

We currently conduct tests with standards from international rating agencies: